Sunday, April 3, 2011

XOXO Mom and keep her in the pink

Remember when mom tucked a little note into your lunch sack for just a little something extra? She might have put on her lipstick and kissed the note before she put it into your lunch box or under your plate or pillow.

Well,  'turn about is fair play'! Tuck an XOXO heart under her pillow or into the pocket of her robe for Mother's Day this year! It's just the thing to keep her 'in the pink!' Hide A Heart for Mom

XOXO heart awarded today, just in time to arrive for Mother's Day! Right now there are 182 HAHtourage members. I will be choosing a winner between HAHtourage members 179 and 200, so be sure to add your member #  and contact information with your post!


  1. These are so adorable!

    itsjustme62613 at

  2. Love them! Hope you are having an amazing day! Shauna from

  3. I love this, I have always shared love notes with my kids and husband, I hide them in their lunches and pockets and then during my day I often find them hidden around the house for me.. sure is wonderful to love and be loved :)

  4. Congratulations Michelle! XOXO ships today!

  5. I got the heart today in the mail.. so came on a very wonderful day as something very close to my heart also arrived in the mail that I had been waiting a long time for. I can't wait to pass this on and hide it for someone special to find, knowing it will bring them a smile to receive it and to give it... and possibly it will bring them some wonderful luck too :)
